by Lisa DiGiorgio | Oct 19, 2020 | News

We are thrilled to share that Lopezian Inez Black has pledged $100,000 toward our Lopez Community Swim Center !
For more than five years, Inez Black has been a consistent and interested supporter of Friends of Lopez Island Pool (FLIP). Like many, she’s been concerned about the sustainability of the facility and its accessibility to all. This year, after learning that one donor had pledged $500,000 for a Maintenance Reserve Fund and another donor pledged $100,000 for the Swim Center’s Scholarship Fund, she felt motivated to become a leadership donor.
At a September FLIP “Poolside” presentation, Inez expressed her concerns that only 8% of Lopez children are water competent (American Red Cross 2017 assessment of 110 Lopez Elementary School students). She added that “unfortunately, proximity to the water does not necessarily mean one will know how to swim and feel safe in and around the water.”
Inez feels fortunate to have learned to swim at an early age, on the East coast, at her home on the Tred Avon River on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Her father taught her to swim before age five, in a small pool he built in the river; then she continued lessons in the family pool, and later at a camp on Lake Champlain. As she became comfortable and confident in the water, she also enjoyed fun times in the water with friends. These positive experiences led Inez to other sports, including sailing and canoeing.
Her late husband, David, grew up in the Northwest, on Bainbridge Island. He learned to swim in a community saltwater pool on the shores of Puget Sound. He enjoyed sailing in his family’s Senior Blanchard Knockabout and, as a young adult, led his own mobile camp for boys, “The Vagabonds,” which included several weeks sailing in the Salish Sea among the San Juan Islands and up to Desolation Sound.
Living on Lopez 50 years ago, there were few options for swim lessons. Inez recalled, “Two private pools: Camp Nor’Wester’s pool was available for just a few hours and at the Lopez Islander Resort, where Marian Speidel taught swimming.” Inez emphasized, “Now, 50 years later, we really need a community facility to provide a safe place for all to learn to swim and develop water safety skills.”
Inez shared, “Our early positive experiences in and around the water led to many years together enjoying the Salish Sea. I feel everyone deserves the same opportunity we had, so I decided to act.”
When Inez was asked why she decided to give at this time, she shared, “It feels like the project is on a strong footing after years of diligent research and thorough planning by a dedicated local board. I hope others will ‘jump in’ to help take this important project to its next step. What a great opportunity for cross-generational community to learn swimming and water safety together—a life-saving legacy!”
Thank you, Inez, for helping to bring us that much closer to making the Lopez Island Swim Center a reality!
Lopez Will Swim!
Philip Prud’homme, Executive Director, and the FLIP Board
by Lisa DiGiorgio | Apr 28, 2020 | News

The COVID crisis has caused many things in our lives to be postponed. And although activities like swimming at state park beaches, community pools, and boating may be off the table for many of us this summer, this doesn’t negate the critical need for a place where our island kids can safely learn and practice swimming skills.
We understand that pressing community needs for services and support take precedence right now. We are inspired by the generosity of those stepping up to help others in need. We believe we’ll come out of this time with a deeper appreciation for what really matters: that we might consume less and connect more; that we might take better care of ourselves and view health through a new lens. That’s one of the reasons we’re more determined than ever to reach our funding goals and build the pool.
Pool construction can begin as soon as we reach our fundraising goal. Being able to break ground will provide much-needed jobs on Lopez, and will help ensure a safer future for our kids and a healthier future for our community.
Because we feel a strong obligation to continue the important work you have entrusted us with through your donations of time, energy, and money, we want you to know how we are moving forward.
We are building on tremendous progress made last year. In 2019, FLIP streamlined plans, value-engineered the construction budget, and “pressure tested” our business plan to create the capacity to complete our campaign. We also received a state award of $1 million; an anonymous stock donation worth over $500,000; a surprise $100,000 pledge for a Scholarship Fund to ensure all children, regardless of income, can swim; and more than $130,000 from our year-end appeal from 187 donors. Because of strong community support from more than 700 donors responding to our annual appeals and farmers market presence, we’ve raised $4.3 million and are more than halfway to our fundraising goal!
We are focusing our fundraising efforts on foundations and major donors. We’re also hiring an Executive Director to help guide our all-volunteer board and complete the capital campaign as quickly as possible.
YOUR SUPPORT IS AS VITAL AS EVER and there are still many ways to give. Your donations will bring our community closer to building a swim center for all.
Double YOUR GIFT and help us match a $10,000 donation from a generous supporter! Visit us at today, or go to givebigwa/friends-of-Lopez-Island-Pool/ to donate during GiveBIG WASHINGTON, May 5th & 6th. Early giving starts now through May 4th.
Stay safe and stay healthy!
Bill LeDrew, President; Robin Bergstrom, Vice President; Micki Ryan, Secretary; Tom DiGiorgio, Treasurer (interim); Linda Barton; Pedro Costa; Lisa DiGiorgio
Editing by Carolyn McGown
by Lisa DiGiorgio | Aug 16, 2019 | News
We are blown away by a recent anonymous stock donation worth over $500,000! We feel so honored by the support that keeps coming in from this amazing community! This is one more BIG step forward on the path to completion of a year-round swim center … the path towards a safer island, swimming skills for all our kids and faster healing through water therapy … all right here, where we live, work and play. Thank you from the entire FLIP community to this generous and committed anonymous donor!
Making a stock donation of ANY size is simple! Giving appreciated stock is a great way to support the pool and to avoid capital gains taxes!
To donate stock contact Bill LeDrew at He will provide you with our account information so your broker can initiate a wire transfer.
by Lisa DiGiorgio | Jun 25, 2019 | News
Banners went up on Pool Lane on summer solstice to welcome Senator Liz Lovelett and her legislative assistant Jordan Kronen. The Senator had asked to visit the site of the Community Swim Center, after securing $1 million dollars from the 2019 state capital budget for the local project.
The FLIP Board and active members of the Advisory Board welcomed her with open arms and enthusiastic gratitude for her successful initiative. A freshman senator, Lovelett stood strong and persuaded the Senate to invest in the Lopez community’s health and safety, via the creation of an accessible swim center.
After an on-site tour showing where the two pools and bathhouse will be located, the entourage celebrated with a delicious and abundant potluck picnic.
Senator Lovelett will return for the Commuity Swim Center’s “official” ground breaking. She said, “I look forward to that. This community effort is amazing!”
In other news, please join us for the 4th of July parade! We would love to have families, seniors and pool lovers walking with our float, Swimming Saves Lives! Show up at our FLIP Float at 9:30am in the lineup on Fisherman Bay Road, just beyond the Islander. Just walk until you find us and bring your pool spirit – the more the merrier!
by Lisa DiGiorgio | Apr 29, 2019 | News

Senator Liz Lovelett – The Washington State Senate convenes for floor debate, March 7th, 2019.
Hold onto your swim caps…. we are excited to share that late Sunday night the 2019 Washington State Capital Budget, passed by the Senate and House of Representatives, included a $1,000,000 award for the Lopez Island Swim Center!!! Freshman Senator Liz Lovelett from Anacortes showed great vision and strength as the sponsor of this successful request which was also strongly supported by Senator David Frockt, Representative Jeff Morris and Representative Debra Lekanoff.
On top of the $500,000 previously received from the State, the $175,000 Youth and Recreation Facilities award, and the land investment of $190,000 by San Juan County, a combined total of $1.865 million has now been committed by local and state government to ensure that our Lopez Island children grow up being swim competent, that we have a year-round place to swim regardless of the weather, that a therapy pool is available to ensure we get back out to enjoy the life we want to live, and a gathering place for all of us on Lopez, young and old, to splash, swim and smile.
This success has been achieved through hard work, persistence and with support from our elected officials, but it also is as a result of the support FLIP has received from over 700 community donors over the years. This amazing level of community support has created an environment that has convinced our elected representatives of the merits of the Swim Center and of the commitment of the community to make it a reality.
We invite you to send a thank you letter to Senator Lovelett for her courageous ask. She supported the pool, let’s show her our support in return! Her address is We would appreciate your sending additional letters of thanks and support to Senator Frockt ( and Representatives Lekanoff ( and Morris (
We have much work to do to raise the funds we need to complete the project, but this tremendous level of State support takes us closer to our goal.
Lopez Will Swim!
Your FLIP Board
editing by Carolyn McGown
by Lisa DiGiorgio | Apr 18, 2019 | News
You’re invited to Fidalgo Pool in Anacortes on Saturday, May 4th from 3PM to 5PM for a FREE Family Swim! Yes, the BIG slide and diving boards will be open! Yes, there will be the swinging ball and toys galore! Yes, we will have an adult area open. And, the balcony will be open so come and watch the fun, even if you don’t want to get in the pool.
For 5 years, FLIP has sponsored swim days for the elementary school students but this year we want ALL of Lopez Island to join the swim party. This community event is sponsored by FLIP with funds that were generously donated for this specific purpose, and not construction funds. The Saturday ferry schedule (1:35PM Lopez only to Anacortes) is timed perfectly. The pool is located at 1603 22nd Street and easy to get to. From the ferry, turn right onto K Ave., then right on 22nd St., drive one block, and the pool with be on your left. Please carpool if you choose to drive. There is a 6:00pm ferry back to Lopez.
We have hired buses to and from Anacortes terminal to the pool for Lopez School students and their families. The seats will be limited with bus reservations through the school. Sign up soon so you can walk on the ferry and be chauffeured to the pool! All children must have be supervised by an adult. (One adult can supervise up to 4 children.) All children will need to pass a swim test to determine if they need life jackets.
Lopez Island Family Resource Center and Lopez Island School District are our community partners in this event. If you are in need, a limited number of free adult pedestrian ferry tickets are available for this event. Call the Lopez Island Family Resource Center to see if you qualify, one per family. All children between 6 and 18 years will need to pay $6.85 for their walk-on ferry ticket to Lopez. Lopez teachers have volunteered to help out. Adults of all ages are encouraged to come and enjoy this fun time. We are needing more volunteers! Please call Linda at 360-468-4655 to sign up.
Come join the fun at this FREE Family Swim event for all of Lopez! Please spread the word and bring your family and friends! All you have to do is show up at Fidalgo Pool and say, “I’m from Lopez.” SPLASH!
by Lisa DiGiorgio | Apr 2, 2019 | News

Lopez Island Academy visits Governor Inslee and our legislators.
Experiencing civics in action, 38 Lopez students went to Olympia to further their understanding of state government and to meet their elected representatives. Sen. Lovelett, Rep. Lekanoff and an aide from Rep. Morris’ office closely listened to why the kids are so passionate about a swim center on Lopez. The young Lopezian ambassadors emphasized their need for greater personal safety and their eagerness to improve their swimming skills. Swimming-themed works of art by the Lopez School 4th grade class and Lopez Island Academy were proudly presented. To cap off their day of lobbying the kids returned to the hotel for an evening of fun…you guessed it…swimming in the hotel pool! We suspect there were a few dreams of a beautiful swimming pool on Lopez as tired heads hit the pillows that night. Won’t it be a proud and satisfying day for our community when we can make their dreams come true!
Breaking news!! Our Lopez students’ face time with our representatives must have made a huge difference! Senator Lovelett (40th District) put in a request for $1,000,000 for the Lopez Swim Center into the Senate budget. Way to go, kids! We are tremendously grateful for their enthusiasm as well as the support of Senator Lovelett and Representatives Lekanoff and Morris.
Your continued involvement makes an UNBELIEVABLE difference. Thank YOU from the FLIP BOARD!
edited by Carolyn McGown
by Lisa DiGiorgio | Feb 14, 2019 | News

February winter scene at the Lopez Swim Center Site
FLIP sends love and a BIG Thank YOU! Your donation towards FLIP’s Annual Appeal helped FLIP exceed our goal of $95,000. With great excitement and even greater gratitude, we want to share that the community raised $97,167 during this campaign!
We are SO thankful for the community’s continuing support. It is clear that the community wants the Lopez Swim Center, you are behind the project, and you most of all understand the high value the swim center will have for our island.
- every child graduating from high school knowing how to swim
- every family enjoying the opportunity to swim, growing stronger together in spirit, mind and body
- every senior and injured person having local access to low-impact exercise and aqua therapy
- our emergency response staff and volunteers well-trained in water safety and rescue Imagine a healthy community with an improved quality of life!
Stay tuned! Over the next month our Board is meeting to generate the work plan for 2019.
Happy Valentine’s Day to ALL our supporters! Thank you!
Your FLIP Board
I love swimming. The sparkle so blue. Weightless and free. It is so true.
by Lisa DiGiorgio | Dec 22, 2018 | News

Zada Grey wants to learn to swim!
“Baby Zada Grey wears a life jacket to keep her safe when she’s on her parents’ boat. Lots of local kids who can’t swim spend time on boats around the islands. As Larry Berg, Lopez School coach says, “We have water all around us. Our kids are out on the water and always going down to the beach parks. I would love to see every one of our children learn to swim before they graduate!”
Paul Henriksen, Port Commissioner “As a lifetime boater, past lifeguard and frequent chaperone for school trips, I have seen the need for local children to learn to swim. We need this pool!”
Join the wave of supporters to build a swim center! Donate TODAY! 100% of your donation goes towards construction.
Editing by Carolyn McGown
by Lisa DiGiorgio | Dec 20, 2018 | News
Josh lives on Lopez and wants to learn to swim! Over 55% of our elementary students need life jackets when swimming and only 9% are water competent per Red Cross standards. Lopez kids WILL learn to swim when the pool becomes a reality. As local parent Carolyn McGown says, “All kids deserve the chance to become confident swimmers, to live safer lives and to discover the life-long joy of swimming”. Let’s get Josh and his peers in the pool! Join the wave of supporters, donate TODAY!