Support Grows for Lopez Pool!

Support Grows for Lopez Pool!

Way to Go!

Way to Go Donors! You make all the difference!

Thank you supporters for your generous donations towards the Lopez Pool Capital Campaign!!  See the list below of donors since July 1st.  If you haven’t given already, jump in now and keep the list growing!  We can’t do it without you!

Building a community pool on Lopez Island to support a culture of health, safety, social connection and fun for the people of San Juan County, now and for generations to come!

Nick Aldrich
Jacquelyn Ashe
Howard Bargreen
Paul Baron and Paula Wilson
Linda Barton
Barthrop Berg
Robin & Mike Bergstrom
Nelson & Kristen Betty
Margaret Bill and Stephen Sullivan
Bill & Gayle Blair
William & Jane Blaylock
Duane & Audrey Bordvick
Molly Brackett
Toby Bright
Steven Brouwer and Molly Bill
Christine Burnell
John & Nancy Butte
Thomas & Joanne Carrato
Alexander Carroll
Jane Chow and Gerard Letterie
Carol Churchill
Casandra Clark
Bill Clemens and Micki Ryan
Lori Clough
Don & Sharon Cocheba
Rylee Cochran
Allison Collins
Thomas & Carolyn Collins
Tom & Debbie Collins
Lesley Combs
Gilbert Cragg
Mike & Jen Cromer
Terry Danielsen
Charles DeBruler
Roberta Devore
Tom & Lisa DiGiorgio
Cynthia Dilling
Eric & Tracy Dobmeier
Stuart Dunwoody and Margaret Schaaf
Debbie Dwyer and Jay Field
Dianne Dyer
Larry & Sarah Eppenbach
Laura Espling
C.L. Euerle
Jim & Birte Falconer
Steve & Cindi Fessler
Andrea & Scott Finley
Max Firstman and Sharon Miller
Karen Fleming
Kim Foley
Marie & Fred Forster
Jane Fuller and Bill LeDrew
Vanessa Gallegos
John Gerarden and Alice Brownstein
Albert Giorgi
Brian Goff
Bryan Gooding
Genna Gormley
Iris Graville
Barbara Gurley
David Hall
Lynn Hall
Polly Ham
Jackie & Bill Hamlin
Dan Handshue
Karen Hattman
Philip & Bonnie Henault
Mike & Taya Higgins
David & Donna Ince
Kurt Jacobs and Kathie Epidendio-Jacobs
Scott & Suzi Jennings
Lisa Jertz
Christine Kerlin
Mike & Mary Kimmich
Alan Kneitel and Diane Weber
William & Katherine Kreager
Joyce Kruithof and Bob Gerfy
Kit & Laurie Latta
George & Stepper LeBoutillier
Jane & Ivan Leech
Asha Lela
Teresa Linneman and Liz Scranton
Elizabeth Lowe
George Lowe
Kim Manderbach
Krista Mann and Stephanie Dallas
Dick & Shari Mariotti
Nancy Matela
Moira McDonough and Daniel Stratton
Stewart McDougall and Denise Doyle-McDougall
Bill & Carolyn McGown
Mysti Mckeehan
Michael Meyer
Monte & Candy Midkiff
Michael & Barbara Morey
Mike & Susan Muckle
Barb Nepom
Mike & Juli North
Karen Norton
Tom & Sue Oas
Charles & Carol Oberg
Pilar Olivo
Wayne & Deborah Ove
Tom & Tammy Pal
Emily Parker
Tom & Susan Patty
Mary Peters
Jim & Pam Phillips
Valerie & Stanley Piha
Karen Poza
John & Sara Rabura
Leonie Roblin
Sue Roundy
Tom Ruggles
Brian Russell
Amy Schimdt
Jordan Marsh Schultz
Randy Shatto
Edmund Sheridan
Alex Silverman and Maia Richardson
Meg & Richard Singer
Kristine Skrinde
Richard Smith and Sharon Sylvester-Smith
Lawrence Snow
Amy Sommers
Alexandra Stone
Dennis & Nancy Sullivan
Rosie Sumner
Jacques Tate
Scott Taylor
John Trench
Ruth & Harold Van Doren
Ann Vandor
John & Bette Vaudt
Raiti Waerness
Julie Walsh
Susan Washburn and Kristen Rehder
Randy & Karen Wilburn
Bruce & Marcia Williams
Janet Yang
Richard Youde and Nancy Wallace
Tom & Sarah Zerkel
Lopez Village HMB, LLC


Funds Raised towards $500K matching gift!

Funds Raised towards $500K matching gift!

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The goal of FLIP’s current capital campaign is to raise $500,000 by summer to match a $500,000 challenge gift from the Schmidt-Barton Foundation. This means that every donation we receive is doubled by an equal contribution from the matching gift! In less than two months, the Lopez community has donated almost $100,000; a giant step toward matching the $500K. With $400,000 to go, we need your continuing support to build a state-of-the-art pool facility. We all deserve a culture of health, safety, social connection, not to mention year round FUN!  Have you given yet? Do you have a neighbor, friend or relative who might support the pool? Would you consider a second donation? The sooner we DIG DEEP, the sooner we can DIVE IN! Thank you to our wonderful supporters and donors.

You are making the difference!

Please visit the website for answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the pool. Donations can be made by check to: FLIP P.O. Box 453, Lopez Island, WA 98261 or via PayPal  Inquire about non-stock donations at

 Building a community pool on Lopez Island to support a culture of health, safety, social connection and fun for the people of San Juan County, now and for generations to come. 

How to Donate Stock to Support the Pool

How to Donate Stock to Support the Pool

Have you had a good year in the market?  Take advantage of current tax law that allows you to deduct the full value of your appreciated stock.  Donating your stock to FLIP is a wonderful way to support our community’s pool project while saving you taxes at the same time.

Contact Lisa DiGiorgio, FLIP Secretary, to receive the details for donating stock.



Building a pool on Lopez Island to support a culture of health, safety and fun, now and for generations to come.



Video Featuring Community Supporters!

Please take a few minutes to view FLIP’s new VIDEO featuring some friendly and familiar faces. We’re thrilled that these busy community leaders took the time to share their support for a pool on Lopez.  We hope their passion will kindle yours.  By now you will have received our annual appeal letter giving you a brief update and asking for a donation.   All donations will be matched by a $500,000 challenge gift, in effect doubling your $$.  Please help FLIP raise $1 million.  Together let’s build a pool on Lopez!

Natatorium Building

Natatorium Building

An artist's conception of Lopez Island Pool's future natatorium

An artist’s conception of Lopez Island Pool’s future natatorium

Here is a look from inside the pool building!  The day lighting KalWal material on the ceiling brings in transfused light.  There is also the possibility that the roof can open in the summer.  Built by Structures Unlimited, the pool building is the last phase of the project.

Just think about spending some time at the pool during these cold wet winter days, swimming, playing, exercising, meeting up with friends and other families ……. enjoying the water.  Think aerobic classes, swim lessons, swim team, lap swimming, parties, hanging out in the warm 92 degree warm pool to ease sore joints and recover from injury……it IS going to be a fun social place for all to enjoy!


Jamie Stephens, County Council Member, Supports Pool on Lopez

Jamie Stephens, County Council Member, Supports Pool on Lopez

Jamie Stephens, SJ County Councilman, and Friends of the Lopez Island Pool

Jamie Stephens, SJC Council Member, and Friends of the Lopez Island Pool

November 7, 2016:  FLIP met with Jamie Stephens, San Juan County Council Member representing Lopez, to bring him up to date with our fast-moving project. Jamie enjoyed learning of the many ways Lopez and San Juan County will benefit from a year-round public pool. 

Pictured in photo, left to right: Brian Silverstein, Building Committee; Asha Lela, Board Member; Robin Bergstrom, President; Jamie Stephens, San Juan County Council Member; Micki Ryan, Treasurer; Lisa DiGiorgio, Secretary. Not pictured: Linda Barton, Vice President.

Dan Drahn, Principal Engineer, Boundary Water, Inc. – Feb. 15, 1961 – Aug. 12, 2016

Dan Drahn, Principal Engineer, Boundary Water, Inc. – Feb. 15, 1961 – Aug. 12, 2016

Dan working on the pool property with Dylan, Orcas Sewage and Design

Dan working on the pool property with Dylan, Orcas Sewage and Design

It is hard to believe it has been over two months since family and friends have lost such a special person as Dan. His expertise, professionalism, generosity, easy-going manner and passionate commitment to FLIP made him an invaluable member of our Dream Team; the capable and dedicated group of people moving the pool project forward.  On October 7, 2016, FLIP reached another milestone, largely thanks to Dan’s hard work. After years in process, FLIP received preliminary approval of our short land subdivision. We know he would have celebrated this news as enthusiastically as we are. We will forever be grateful for all his contributions. When the pool facility is complete, we plan to honor Dan in a way that will express our gratitude and honor his memory in perpetuity.                                                                                                      


Robin Bergstrom, FLIP President, on behalf of the Board

How to Donate Stock to Support the Pool

3D Site Plan of Pool Property!

Aerial View from the Northeast

Aerial View from the Northeast

Here is a 3D aerial view of the property created by our landscape architect, Site Workshop, Inc.  Pool Lane connects with Center Road in the bottom left hand corner.  This rendering shows the site with outdoor pools. We know the community wants an indoor pool facility for year-round use! What might that look like?  We have hired Elizabeth Person (the artist who created the beautiful rendering of Blossom) to create a view of the interior of the pool building.  The art is coming in mid-November so keep an eye out for it in a future FLIP Pulse.  Thank you for your support!

What about maintenance costs?

What about maintenance costs?

FLIP-Pool-Location-MapFLIP wants to answer your questions about the pool project and the #1 question is, “What about maintenance costs?”  We have an exciting announcement to share that will help answer this! Recently, we just received a gift of $500,000, to be allocated solely to a Reserve Fund for maintenance and operations (M & O).  Although the projected M & O budget figures for the indoor facility do not show a shortfall, this fund would cover one.  It serves as “insurance” for a sustainable facility.

Our conservative revenue projections (based on stats compiled from the USA Swimming Association, the National Aqua Master Plan Study, Lopez Island demographics and an independent feasibility study completed for FLIP), show that the annual revenues for a year-round pool on Lopez should well exceed annual expenses. The independent study was of eleven pool facilities in Washington that operate  in communities of similar size to Lopez. The new maintenance reserve fund and our detailed revenue projections give us more confidence than ever that our pool facility is a wise investment for our community!

In addition, check out our web site’s Building Plans page to learn about our low maintenance pool and bathhouse.

For other questions you may be wondering about, visit our website’s FAQs page at


Site Plan hot off the press!

Site Plan hot off the press!

Lopez Pool Site Plan

Lopez Pool Site Plan


Imagine yourself turning off of Center Road onto “Pool Lane”!  We are so fortunate to have the landscape architecture firm of Site Workshop of Seattle collaborating with Boundary Water, Inc. of Lopez to come up with the best site plan for our 2 1/2 acre lot.  Thanks to their expertise, everything fits!  Hard work and steady progress, like this site plan, bring us ever closer to the reality of a pool on Lopez.  Click to enlarge the map.