The FLIP Board and a team of dedicated volunteers have been making things happen this summer!  A BIG Thank You to all who stopped by our Farmers Market booth.

Please hold one of these dates to attend an upcoming Town Hall Meeting for a complete update on the Pool: August 26th or Sept. 9th from 4 – 6PM at the Lopez Community Center.

Most exciting – Architects Bob and Lois Wardell submitted The Swim Center permits to San Juan County in early July.  The Wardell’s timely push to get this critical step completed puts us in a good position to break ground this year!

The NEXT step? Ensuring that we have the necessary funds to continue construction on the planned timeline. We know many of you have given to the pool project multiple times. We are grateful for every single dollar that comes in and we love transforming all that gratitude into a growing determination. Will you join us and become more determined too? As we’ve always said, the pool is FOR everyone and it’s going to take ALL of us to make it happen. Please let that determination steep for a few hours and decide what you can give to ensure that the project stays on a timely course.  Also, please spread the word by encouraging your friends and acquaintances to attend one of the Town Hall Meetings and join you in donating to this important project for the island for health, safety and recreation!

Please keep in mind, we’re looking for a few “Champion Donors” to push us over the finish line. Be a Champion! Contact Jane Fuller to make a lead donation (

Other good news….

FLIP won the Spirit Award from the Chamber of Commerce for their float at the Lopez 4th of July Parade (Little Island, BIG heart). With 17 participating volunteers, we featured aspiring lifeguards carrying our banner, floating whale, dancing pools AND our signature synchronized swimming routine with “The LEGS”! It was so much fun to share our enthusiasm in a Thank You tribute to all who have donated.

This summer FLIP awarded a micro-grant to the Lopez Family Resource Center to provide scholarships for beginning swim lessons.  We are grateful to the Islander Resort for heating their outdoor pool for the two weeks of lessons!  All the kids loved learning to swim in the warm water!  Classes included Parent & Me, Introduction to Water, Beginner and Advanced Beginner lessons.  New instructors, Susie Frank AND Abby Webster, received great feedback from kids and parents.  The telling results showed that this year only 14% of kids were able to do all the skills necessary to advance to the next level.  It goes to show that island kids need regular access to a pool in order to be able to practice their new skills and to become truly safe in the water.  

Please DONATE NOW towards ground breaking this fall. YOU are making the difference and we thank you.  Let’s pool together and make this happen!

Editing by Carolyn McGown, FLIP Supporter