FLIP Swim Days Opportunity

FLIP Swim Days Opportunity

Hi, Swimmers,

Please see the poster (below) for information regarding our Lopez Swim Days in May. This is our third annual trip for the Lopez Elementary School children to the Fidalgo Pool in Anacortes.

We know how important it is for children to be “water safe” and these trips do a lot to mature their skills for safety and enjoyment of the water.  If you would like to go along on this fun trip, you have two options:

  1. Ride the bus with the kids, bowl and swim with them.  Schedule is attached.  (Please bring your own sack lunch).
  2. Take your own car and MEET us at Fidalgo Pool for the 1:00-3:00PM Swim.

For your information, there is reduced price lap swim from noon until our Lopez School time at 1:00PM.  Perfect for getting in your own swim!!  There is NO cost to you for the day unless you go early to swim.

For those of us who have been before, it is fulfilling and worthwhile as well as fun!!  The children are SO enthusiastic and appreciative.

Any questions?  Call Robin Bergstrom at 468-2253.

Lopez Kids Swim 2014 Poster final

Farmer’s Market

Farmer’s Market

Summer Saturdays at the Lopez Farmer’s Market FLIP booth are always busy! Local residents and tourists alike are very supportive of FLIP’s efforts to bring an aquatic center to the island. Many purchase FLIP t-shirts and donate money to help in the drive to pay for the center.

All of the varied groups that would use the pool visit the FLIP booth:  seniors, children, local and visiting athletes, EMT personnel, kayakers looking to hone their safety skills, and everyone who loves to swim. The wonderful display answers many questions and encourages ideas from people who would benefit from an aquatic center.

The Lopez community’s support for the aquatic center is strong and positive.

Lopez School Swim Trips

Lopez School Swim Trips

Kids-Swim-Freda-Kvistad-25Beginning in May, 2012, FLIP started a tradition of taking the Lopez elementary school kids to Fidalgo Pool for a day of swimming. Kids who don’t normally get the chance to swim love the opportunity – but this event most importantly shows the need for our Lopez kids to be safe in the water.  Most children are not able to pass the swim test and need to stay in life vests in the shallow water. It is so important to touch the lives of our kids with a fun day – but most important is the need to teach our kids to swim!

Lopez School Trip 2012

Lopez School Trip 2012

In May, 2012, FLIP started a tradition of taking the Lopez elementary school kids to Fidalgo Pool for a day of swimming. Kids who don’t normally get the chance to swim love the opportunity – but this event most importantly shows the need for our Lopez kids to be safe in the water.  Most children are not able to pass the swim test and need to stay in life vests in the shallow water. It is so important to touch the lives of our kids with a fun day – but most important is the need to teach our kids to swim!