FLIP challenge grant now extended to July 4
Posted in The Islands Weekly
Jun 06, 2010
Lopez will swim. That day draws closer as the challenge grant of $5,000 offered to Friends of Lopez Island
Pool (FLIP) was met with $4,600 in island donations by the original June 1 deadline. The board extends its
gratitude to the residents of Lopez.
Linda Barton, FLIP president, announced “The anonymous Family Foundation offered to extend the challenge
deadline to July 4, assuring that FLIP will receive the full $5,000 offered as a dollar-for-dollar match to local
Funds raised through the challenge grant will complete payments on all designs and fees to date, so that FLIP
will begin its capital campaign for pool construction with a clean slate.
“Construction funding is anticipated from large regional foundations as well as individual donors,” explained Micki Ryan, FLIP grant writer, “and from private foundations who support specific pool users, such as senior water exercise, swim safety, EMT rescue, physical therapy, and physical education. As we seek funding, we will be asking community groups who hope to use the pool for letters of advocacy to show to our potential major funders.”
“We’re aware of objections to a special tax district,” added Robin Bergstrom, who has been continuously active in shepherding the pool plans through the county zoning and permitting process.
“FLIP continues to search for ways to fund the community pool without resorting to county ownership with property tax increases. User fees will be an important component of operations income once the pool is built, but even that must be supplemented by grant and bequest income.”
Forums will continue to be held in the community to get additional feedback on community needs. Look for the FLIP fishhead at the Lopez Farmers Market to get updates and view the location map and plans. Also to purchase $5 raffle tickets for two nights at the Aleck Bay Inn or a chocolate cake from Holly B.
Raffle drawing is July 4 at the Lopez Farmers Market.
Donations can be made online by credit card at www.lopezislandpool.org www, or mailed to FLIP, PO Box 453, Lopez Island WA 98261.
Robin Bergstrom wearing the FLIP fishhead in the 2008 Fourth of July Parade.
Mike Bergstrom photo