by annp | Jun 4, 2016 | News
Congratulations! The Sullivan family won two seats, two days, three nights at the US Olympic Swim Trials, June 30 and July 1!
Lopez Island’s Lisa Braun, shown here with her husband Kevin Sullivan and children Gardner and Addie. Addie and her Dad will be heading to Omaha to meet the US Olympic Swim Team for the pre-Olympics trials. Congratulations Lisa!
Have you dreamed of being ON THE SPOT when Olympic Swim Team competing athletes perform their outstanding best and are selected for the USA Olympic Swim Team 2016? FLIP’s pool building partner Myrtha Pools, builder of the Olympic pools, offered FLIP supporters that chance. The winners of FLIP’s raffle will get two seats, two days, three nights at the US Olympic Swim Trials, June 30 and July 1, in Myrtha Pool’s private section immediately behind and above the judging positions behind the starting platforms. Myrtha promises invitations to corporate sponsor events, such as parties to meet the athletes, private tour of the Myrtha technology that makes them the Olympic choice, and more.
Winners were drawn at the FLIP meeting May 19, 4 PM, Lopez Library.
Thank you everyone for supporting the Lopez Island Pool!
by Lisa DiGiorgio | May 21, 2016 | News
The Swimmer’s Dream Raffle for the 2016 USA Olympic Swim Trials was drawn yesterday…stay tuned, we will be announcing the winner soon!

Instructor And Patient Undergoing Water Therapy
Good things are happening behind the FLIP sign on Center Road. Momentum is building rapidly. The goal of the Friends of Lopez Island Pool is to be swimming in the summer of 2018 in an outdoor facility with the expectation that the natatorium would be completed in a second phase soon after.
The board and building committee now have a scaled-down plan and new affordable estimate for the pool bathhouse with locker rooms and reception area, along with the mechanical equipment housing and two Myrtha brand pools. FLIP has never wavered from our belief that this entire community would best be served by two pools. The largest is a four-lane, 25-yard pool for fitness, sport and recreational swimming. The smaller is an amply sized super-warmed pool for learn-to-swim and water therapy, with easy access and a soft-surfaced bottom.
Together these pools will serve parents of young children, children and youth of all abilities, elders and those convalescing from injury or hospitalization, adult recreation, after-school sports, EMT water rescue training needs and just about everything else that needs to happen in water. Warm, clean, calm water.
We have the land and now a high capacity well. Currently FLIP is in the process of completing San Juan County predevelopment requirements, which include storm water management, site drainage, septic planning, power to the site and access road enhancement. Thanks to the warm and generous response of island donors to the recent GiveBIG fundraiser, we expect to start working on the site this summer.
Most importantly, we will soon be inviting you to come together in small groups so that we can hear your questions, show you the plans and get your feedback. The board is beginning to schedule these salons, the first one being May 23. We want to hear from you. Send a message on our web page.
We are grateful for a matching grant pledge of half a million dollars to get us started for the capital campaign, which will kick off this summer on July 4th. Much more information coming soon.
A BIG thank you for your support from the FLIP Board!
Modified from the article published by Islands Weekly May 16, 2016
by annp | Apr 17, 2016 | News
Win two seats, two days, three nights at the US Olympic Swim Trials, June 30 and July 1!
Don’t Wait! Drawing is May 19!
Have you dreamed of being ON THE SPOT when Olympic Swim Team competing athletes perform their outstanding best and are selected for the USA Olympic Swim Team 2016? FLIP’s pool building partner Myrtha Pools, builder of the Olympic pools, offers FLIP supporters that chance. Enter FLIP’s raffle for two seats, two days, three nights at the US Olympic Swim Trials, June 30 and July 1, in Myrtha Pool’s private section immediately behind and above the judging positions behind the starting platforms. Each donation of $50 entitles the donor to one raffle entry (two seats, two days, three nights), with no limit on the number of entries. There are only 100 tickets TOTAL printed for this raffle, so get your donation in before all tickets are taken! Winner will be drawn at the FLIP meeting May 19, 4 PM, Lopez Library. Need not be present to win. See poster for details. Myrtha promises invitations to corporate sponsor events, such as parties to meet the athletes, private tour of the Myrtha technology that makes them the Olympic choice, and more.
Raffle tickets will also be available at the Bite of Lopez on Friday April 22 at the Lopez Community Center.

by annp | Apr 16, 2016 | News
The Seattle Foundation has again included FLIP in its annual GiveBIG campaign on May 3, 2016. Extended through May 4!
FLIP supporters have created a pooled fund to match every donation made May 3, dollar for dollar, for the first $5000 received. In addition to the $5000 match by your friends and Lopez neighbors, the Seattle Foundation will donate a percentage representing the total intake of all 1500 greater Seattle nonprofits participating in GiveBIG 2016. We will do this together!
Thank you!
by annp | Jul 15, 2015 | News
Last time you drove down Center Road, did you notice the sign, “Future Site of the Lopez Island Pool”? Well, there is a lot more happening than an empty lot behind the sign! The FLIP board is an energized group that has performed phenomenal research to determine the best options for our pool facility and has accomplished amazing things over the past several years.
The empty lot was donated generously by John Sorensen. The board attended hearings with the County regarding the land use classification for a successful adjustment to permit a year round indoor natatorium. In 2009 the board hired the best aquatic designers in the nation (Aquatics Design Group working with Heery International architects in Seattle) to provide cost analysis, feasibility and a needs-based design. The board listened to the concerns of the Lopez community and incorporated solutions. In 2011, the board attended the USA Swimming Association’s National Build A Pool Conference. (The USA Swimming Association is the governing body of all public pools.) They approved the work done by Heery and the Aquatics Design Group, allowing the board to develop a solid business plan under their guidance with confidence and knowledge.
Did you know there will be two pools rather than one large? One will be 82 degrees for laps and recreation, and the other at 92 degrees for learn-to-swim and therapeutic use. This past year a well was dug on that empty lot, and it has met the requirements of a Class A water system! A septic test has been approved. And, what about the building? The cost of the whole pool complex has been trimmed three times from the original cost proposal, reducing the footprint and eliminating a large lobby and extra rooms. Last year, a building committee was formed with Brian Silverstein, Nancy Greene and Mark Herrenkohl. They are charged with providing a cost analysis of various building types as well as refining the design. The latest exciting news is that the pools will be Myrtha design and the natatorium will be built with Kalwall, a thick, insulated, translucent fiberglass material by Structures, Unlimited which will bathe the pool area with natural transfused light.
All these big and small details have demanded the full attention of the Board. This summer FLIP will expand fundraising because all that is left to do is to build the pool! Find out more about our pool at the Farmer’s Market, beginning early July. Mark your calendars for a BIG Open House “SPLASH” Celebration behind the sign on Center Road on July 25th in the afternoon. View the designs and a model and take a virtual swim in the lanes. There will be games, prizes, music and snacks for all to enjoy! Let’s get ready to swim!
by annp | Jul 10, 2015 | News
We all had a great time celebrating the 4th of July with our FLIP float!