by Lisa DiGiorgio | Apr 2, 2019 | News

Lopez Island Academy visits Governor Inslee and our legislators.
Experiencing civics in action, 38 Lopez students went to Olympia to further their understanding of state government and to meet their elected representatives. Sen. Lovelett, Rep. Lekanoff and an aide from Rep. Morris’ office closely listened to why the kids are so passionate about a swim center on Lopez. The young Lopezian ambassadors emphasized their need for greater personal safety and their eagerness to improve their swimming skills. Swimming-themed works of art by the Lopez School 4th grade class and Lopez Island Academy were proudly presented. To cap off their day of lobbying the kids returned to the hotel for an evening of fun…you guessed it…swimming in the hotel pool! We suspect there were a few dreams of a beautiful swimming pool on Lopez as tired heads hit the pillows that night. Won’t it be a proud and satisfying day for our community when we can make their dreams come true!
Breaking news!! Our Lopez students’ face time with our representatives must have made a huge difference! Senator Lovelett (40th District) put in a request for $1,000,000 for the Lopez Swim Center into the Senate budget. Way to go, kids! We are tremendously grateful for their enthusiasm as well as the support of Senator Lovelett and Representatives Lekanoff and Morris.
Your continued involvement makes an UNBELIEVABLE difference. Thank YOU from the FLIP BOARD!
edited by Carolyn McGown
by Lisa DiGiorgio | Feb 14, 2019 | News

February winter scene at the Lopez Swim Center Site
FLIP sends love and a BIG Thank YOU! Your donation towards FLIP’s Annual Appeal helped FLIP exceed our goal of $95,000. With great excitement and even greater gratitude, we want to share that the community raised $97,167 during this campaign!
We are SO thankful for the community’s continuing support. It is clear that the community wants the Lopez Swim Center, you are behind the project, and you most of all understand the high value the swim center will have for our island.
- every child graduating from high school knowing how to swim
- every family enjoying the opportunity to swim, growing stronger together in spirit, mind and body
- every senior and injured person having local access to low-impact exercise and aqua therapy
- our emergency response staff and volunteers well-trained in water safety and rescue Imagine a healthy community with an improved quality of life!
Stay tuned! Over the next month our Board is meeting to generate the work plan for 2019.
Happy Valentine’s Day to ALL our supporters! Thank you!
Your FLIP Board
I love swimming. The sparkle so blue. Weightless and free. It is so true.
by Lisa DiGiorgio | Dec 22, 2018 | News

Zada Grey wants to learn to swim!
“Baby Zada Grey wears a life jacket to keep her safe when she’s on her parents’ boat. Lots of local kids who can’t swim spend time on boats around the islands. As Larry Berg, Lopez School coach says, “We have water all around us. Our kids are out on the water and always going down to the beach parks. I would love to see every one of our children learn to swim before they graduate!”
Paul Henriksen, Port Commissioner “As a lifetime boater, past lifeguard and frequent chaperone for school trips, I have seen the need for local children to learn to swim. We need this pool!”
Join the wave of supporters to build a swim center! Donate TODAY! 100% of your donation goes towards construction.
Editing by Carolyn McGown
by Lisa DiGiorgio | Dec 20, 2018 | News
Josh lives on Lopez and wants to learn to swim! Over 55% of our elementary students need life jackets when swimming and only 9% are water competent per Red Cross standards. Lopez kids WILL learn to swim when the pool becomes a reality. As local parent Carolyn McGown says, “All kids deserve the chance to become confident swimmers, to live safer lives and to discover the life-long joy of swimming”. Let’s get Josh and his peers in the pool! Join the wave of supporters, donate TODAY!
by Lisa DiGiorgio | Oct 5, 2018 | News
Friends of Lopez Island Pool is postponing the Appreciation Celebration event that was planned for October. This is due to the reality that the site may not be safe because of its current condition and technical uses with the permits. But, how about that mountain of dirt! Go take a look at the property, if you haven’t already.
We are incredibly grateful to the entire community for its interest and financial contributions! We especially want to recognize and honor Senator Kevin Ranker and County Council member Jamie Stephens for being champion supporters! They have been instrumental in securing substantial government funds for the Lopez Swim Center which has made a huge difference. FLIP is looking forward to continuing this work with them toward our goal.
YOU can count on a big FLIP appreciation event next Spring! Thank you for all YOUR support!
Swimmingly yours,
The FLIP Board
by Lisa DiGiorgio | Sep 22, 2018 | News
FLIP recently held two Town Hall Meetings which brought out over sixty people, all eager to learn about what’s happening with The Swim Center. We want everyone to have up-to-date information on the project so we invite you to enjoy this summary of the meetings!
The meetings began with introductions of eight hard working Board members and acknowledgments of our wonderful advisors and volunteers. Jamie Stephens, San Juan County Council Member, was not able to attend and provided the following statement, read by Asha Lela, Government Liaison:
Good afternoon and thank you for coming to this meeting about the pool. FLIP has worked for years to make a public pool on Lopez a reality. A pool where you can learn to swim, exercise, and rehabilitate after surgery. FLIP has worked tirelessly to raise funds from private donors. They also have received San Juan County’s and the State legislature’s pledge of financial support for this valuable public project. After asking your questions and hearing comments today, I hope that each of you will support building the pool.
Best regards, Jamie Stephens
Next, a video produced by FLIP in 2016 was viewed by attendees. Please watch it to see our local leaders share their passion for the project and to hear some of the many ways a swim center will enrich and nourish our community. Click on the link to our About page and scroll down to view the video.
Bob and Lois Wardell of Wardell Architects then presented the design of The Swim Center. The permits are in process at the County now! Click on the link to our Building Plans page and scroll down to Architects to view the architectural drawings.
A PowerPoint presentation by Bill LeDrew, Finance Chair, and Jane Fuller, Fundraising Chair, provided a project update and current financial overview. Fundraising has increased dramatically over the past year and has included private donations, public funding, foundations and trusts. You can view the FLIP Presentation – Sept. 9 2018 Town Hall Meeting by clicking on this link.
There were many questions. Here are a few with their answers…
- Is the project going to be phased? When the swim center opens, it will be an indoor facility (no outdoor-only phase as previously discussed). The project will be done in stages. The pre-construction stage is completed. We are launching the next stage which is the site preparation. Check out the property on Pool Lane. You will see some equipment out there while the weather still allows!
- How will the pool be maintained? Maintenance is a topic everyone is interested in. FLIP is planning for the future! We have secured a generous donation of $510,000 which is specifically dedicated for a Maintenance Reserve Fund. This fund will be invested. In addition, the swim center will be a high-efficiency, low maintenance facility. FLIP chose the Myrtha Pool brand for their fantastic record of low-maintenance. In fact, Myrtha is a state-of-the-art stainless steel pool with a 25 year warranty against structural and leakage issues. Click on this link to read about Myrtha Pool brand and its advantages.Myrtha Comparison and Advantages
- What are the revenues that will support the pool? Will low-income families afford to use the pool? The answer to the first question is outlined in the PowerPoint presentation link above. The pool will be accessible to everyone. Grants will be written to assist low-income families so they can afford to use the pool.
- Will the pool be open early/late hours for those that work full-time? Yes, the staffing will allow the pool to offer hours to accommodate working community members.
There are further frequently asked questions on the web site.
FLIP feels this community outreach was a success and we plan to do it again at the next stage of the project! If you were able to attend, thanks for coming! If you weren’t, thanks for taking the time to read this far!
Hold the Date! An Appreciation Celebration will be held on Saturday, Oct. 13th at 2pm to honor Senator Kevin Ranker for securing significant State funds this year. Come out and show your support! It’s all happening on pool property (Pool Lane off Center Road).
edited by Carolyn McGown