Year End Donations Coming In!

Year End Donations Coming In!

Have you received your FLIP Year in Review 2017? As you can tell it has been a busy year with lots of tangible progress. Thanks to your ongoing support FLIP has raised over $1.7 million!! We are continuing to work toward a swim center that will meet the community’s needs and wants while being low-maintenance and sustainable. This will be the biggest community project Lopez has ever seen and… we can’t do it without your support.

Great news!  100% of your gift will be matched by a generous donor.  Please make a donation today to improve the health, safety and recreational opportunities of tomorrow.

Have you had a good year in the market?  Increase the impact of your gift by donating appreciated stock to FLIP. You get the tax deduction and FLIP gets to keep the full value of the stock.

Please join your community in supporting the construction of a Swim Center!  A BIG thank  you to those of you who have already responded to our year end appeal, generously donating cash or stock!!  Let’s Swim Local!

Contact Lisa DiGiorgio, Board member, to receive the details for donating stock. or call 206-579-7654

Download: FLIP Stock Donation Form FINAL 2017

Bringing greater health, water safety and community to the people of San Juan County by building a swim center.

Friends of Lopez Island Pool is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

IRS Tax Exempt ID 26-2079787


Brought to you by Lisa DiGiorgio and Carolyn McGown!


Swimming in San Juan County – The Problems & The Solutions

Swimming in San Juan County – The Problems & The Solutions

What are the issues?

Our kids aren’t learning how to swim.  The Red Cross considers the national average for youth water competency at 39% to be a crisis, on Lopez our average is 9%. 

Solution: Access to affordable, local, year-round swim lessons and swim programming in schools will ensure that all kids are competent swimmers by high school graduation!

There are limited venues for seniors to exercise for 50% of the year. 

Solution: Year-round, affordable water exercise will encourage seniors to stay more active during the winter.  Swimming helps the agin retain mobility, improves cardiovascular health, and creates connections, all factors for successful aging.

The injured and those living with chronic pain must travel at great expense to the mainland for aquatic therapy and to exercise in comfort.

Solution: Therapists and patients will have access to our super-heated therapy pool.  Aquatic therapy has been shown to decrease rehabilitation time by 30-40%.

82% of kids have insufficient physical activity per the WA State Healthy Youth Survey 2016). 

Solution: A pool will promote a culture of health and will offer kids and teens a safe, fun and healthy place to go year-round.

66% of adults have insufficient physical activity (WA Behavioral Risk Factor Survey 2013-2015). 

Solution: Swimming not only improves cardio health and releases endorphins, but goes further in reducing stress than most other forms of exercise because of the calming sensory experience that comes with being submerged in water.

FLIP Partners with Family Resource Center to Provide Swim Lessons to Island Kids

FLIP Partners with Family Resource Center to Provide Swim Lessons to Island Kids

Summer has come to an end and swim lesson results are in!  This summer FLIP awarded a ‘Water Safety Micro-Grant’ to the Lopez Island Family Resource Center.  With this partnership 27 children were able to receive scholarships for swim lessons at the Islander Resort provided by Red Cross swim instructor, Berta Vaughn.  Students attended toddler, introduction to swimming and beginning swimming skills classes.  Twenty students performed specific skills by the end of the week to advance to the next level.  The kids learned a ton and had fun doing it!

None of this could have happened without the generosity of a large donation from the Daniel M. Browne-Sanchez Fund, part of the Hawai’i Community Foundation.  A HUGE thank you to Robina Browne, a part-time Lopez invested resident, for setting this up!

FLIP’s Water Safety Program goals are to increase the number of children who can swim.  Without access to a year-round community pool, islanders and visitors do not have the opportunity to improve this important life skill!  It takes practice, practice, practice to build skills, confidence and joy in the water!  Last May only 1 in 10 Lopez Island elementary school students were able to pass a basic Red Cross water safety test in deep water.  Let’s build a pool and get swimming in warm water!  Please donate today.  Your generosity will make a difference to the island community!

Pool Lane Construction Underway!

Pool Lane Construction Underway!

Pool Lane is under construction!  As a first critical step, the road is being widened to TWO lanes! This image was taken halfway up Pool Lane, looking toward Center Rd.  The backhoe is parked close to the entrance of the future pool parking lot. That white propane tank in the background has nothing to do with the Lopez Pool, but is a new business across from the firehouse. FLIP was gifted the second lot back from Center Road, extending to the tree line behind. Thank you, Bob and Lois Wardell, project architects for starting the improvements to the road to our community pool! 

We could not have gotten this far without your generous commitment to the pool so THANK YOU!!! Your ongoing support will continue to make the difference. Please consider a donation today. Just scroll to the bottom of this page! 


Meeting with Senator Ranker and Lt. Governor Cyrus Habib

Meeting with Senator Ranker and Lt. Governor Cyrus Habib

On July 12th FLIP seized the opportunity for an audience with State Senator Kevin Ranker and Lt. Governor Cyrus Habib at the Orcas Island Senior Center.

Asha Leela, one of three FLIP Board members in attendance, asked this question:

“We on Lopez are in the midst of a capital campaign for a year-round swim center for the health and safety of islanders.   It will be the only public pool in the San Juan Islands. This will be an important asset for our rural community.  How do we fit into the economic development that you want and we want for your constituents and the tourists that come?”

In their response, Senator Ranker and Lt. Governor Habib spoke of the public award for FLIP that is in the capital budget.  Both are enthusiastic supporters of the pool and said we should put in additional requests for MORE money.  Sen. Ranker said Orcas people will come swim on Lopez. Both were shocked to learn that this year only 9% of Lopez elementary kids passed the Red Cross water safety test compared with 39% national average.   Asha told Ranker that FLIP had lots of information to share with him.  He said he would like to talk with FLIP in the fall to plan for next year.

Asha also talked with County Councilman Rick Hughes, who submitted a letter in support of the pool to Olympia, with the two other County Council members earlier this year.  The pool will not likely get built without some government funding, therefore, we encourage ALL FLIP supporters to write a letter or make a phone call to your elected officials in support of a community pool in the San Juan Islands! It could make a big difference!

Lopez Pool hires Wardells as Project Architects

Lopez Pool hires Wardells as Project Architects

FLIP is delighted to announce the hiring of Robert & Lois Wardell as construction project architects!  Lois and Bob bought property on Lopez 37 years ago and have been full time Lopezians since moving from Yakima three years ago.  The Wardells were the architects for our library’s Quiet Reading Room and for Morgantown, Lopez’s first Land Trust project.  Previously they mainly worked on civic buildings, including a $6 million expansion of the Yakima convention center.

The Wardells are jumping right in!  They’ll review cost estimates and develop a single project concept including construction and design of bathhouse, mechanical room, pools and cover.  They’ll also meet with the County regarding permits as well as identify, hire and oversee the work of consultants. Luckily for FLIP, the Wardell’s vast experience qualifies them to serve as both architects and project manager. Both Lois and Bob are enthusiastic supporters of the pool and recognize the need for an accessible community pool in the islands that will provide health, recreation and improved water safety for all ages. We hope you’ll share in the excitement of this wonderful addition to our Pool Dream Team!