Low Water Competency Results Show Urgent Need for Pool!

Low Water Competency Results Show Urgent Need for Pool!

On June 1st & 2nd, FLIP sponsored its 5th annual KIDS SWIM DAYS for Lopez K-5 students at Fidalgo Pool in Anacortes.  110 students enjoyed a two-hour swim with parents, teachers and FLIP volunteers. For many students, this was their one and only opportunity for the year to swim. 

To use the pool without a life jacket, the kids had to swim 25 feet.  48% of the kids were able to do this.  These kids then took turns working with a Certified Water Safety Instructor in small groups, learning and demonstrating the 5 skills that define Water Competency, as outlined by the American Red Cross.                     Water Competency is a minimum measure of a swimmer’s ability to stay safe in deep water.

 The 5 skills are:

 1. Jump into water over your head from a standing position on the side of the pool.

 2. Tread water or passive back float for one minute.

 3. Swim in a circle, actively scanning for an exit.

 4. Swim 25 yards without touching side of pool.

 5. Climb out of pool without using a ladder.

The kids did a great job working with the instructor, encouraging their schoolmates and attempting the skills themselves. Ten students were able to demonstrate all five of these skills. FLIP celebrates the progress and enthusiasm of ALL the kids present. 

The overall results, however, were very sobering:  only 9% of 110 students present are considered Water Competent by the Red Cross.  This means that 91% of these students do not possess the skills to stay safe in deep water. Obviously, this is not the fault of the children and their families since there is no swim center yet on Lopez.  A pool would provide multiple opportunities for regular swim lessons and practice throughout the year to improve swimming skills.  These results strongly reinforce the need for a year-round swim center on Lopez Island. Until we can swim locally, FLIP will continue to promote water safety wherever possible.




FLIP Supporters DOUBLE 2016 GiveBIG!

A BIG thanks to those who participated in GiveBIG last Wednesday! With your help, we were able to make GiveBIG 2017 one of our biggest yet! Sixty supporters from near and far raised almost $42,000!  This is double what we raised last year!  On behalf of the FLIP Board, thank you for your TREMENDOUS support!  Watch for some changes this summer at the site on Pool Lane off Center Road. Many thanks to you for making this work possible!

Click the pool diagram for a closer look!

Green Light from Supporters!

Green Light from Supporters!

FLIP has already received more than $15,000 in donations so far today! And all those gifts are being doubled by generous donors, so really the impact is $30,000!  Our goal is to reach $27,100 in donations by the time GiveBIG closes at midnight.  Your support is vital nowMake your gift online before midnight to power FLIP to the finish line. 

To Donate click on this link:  https://giveBIGseattle.org/friends-of-Lopez-Island-Pool.

FLIP has groundbreaking plans for the summer.  Our supporters during our recent year-end campaign and GiveBIG are giving us the green light to proceed with improving the road (Pool Lane), drainage as well as to hire an architect to fine tune the design and submit the permits, so please take a moment now and make your donation to FLIP.

Join in this moment of giving and gratitude for the things that make our home here in the San Juan Islands amazing. Thank you for being a hero for FLIP!  There’s still time to have your gift doubled, too.  

Bringing greater health, safety and connection to the people of San Juan County by building a community swim facility.

 Your FLIP Board


More funds raised!  Your contribution matters on May 10!

More funds raised! Your contribution matters on May 10!

FLIP’s GiveBIG campaign is off the starting blocks early!  WOW!  Donations have come in from Seattle, Bellevue, California, Texas, Illinois, Lopez Island and as far away as the warm waters of Hawaii!  $5,867.45 has already been raised via prescheduled donations AND we have received an additional $7,600 in MATCH, meaning the GOAL is now $27,600!  Tomorrow is MAY 10 – GiveBIG!

Click on www.GiveBIGseattle.org NOW and type inFLIP” to donate.  Thanks to the MATCH provided by generous FLIP supporters, your money will be doubled. Your contribution will inspire others to reach the $27,600 goal!

With YOUR CONTRIBUTION you will see groundbreaking on Pool Lane this summer!

Thank YOU for your continuous support in this capital campaign.  A year-round pool will transform the islands!

Lopez Will Swim with your help!

Your FLIP Board

More funds raised!  Your contribution matters on May 10!

Early Giving is NOW open!

Early Giving is Now Open!

GiveBIG is Wednesday, May 10, 2017.

Don’t want to wait until May 10? Schedule your gift to FLIP today and your donation will be automatically processed on May 10.  Go to




YOU can make the difference!  Let’s pool together and make this happen!
Thanks for YOUR support!
BIG Opportunity to Support the Pool on MAY 10th!

BIG Opportunity to Support the Pool on MAY 10th!

The Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG event is just around the corner on May 10th.  A BIG THANKS to ALL of you who have stepped up and contributed over the past year to FLIP, helping to raise over $120,000 (all of which counts toward the Schmidt Barton Challenge Gift!). The news of our 2016 success is spreading and inspiring others to get in the swim with our efforts to build a community swimming pool on Lopez!  GiveBIG makes it easy for all FLIP supporters, tried-and-true or brand-new, to donate!  Go to https://www.givebigseattle.org/friends-of-lopez-island-pool to pre-schedule your donation, any time beginning April 27th.  All donations will be officially recorded on May 10th. Last year the average donation was $152 with over $20,000 raised, including the match.  This year we have $20,000 alone donated in advance for a match!  Your gift will be doubled!  Donate BIG!  YOU can make an impact.  This summer FLIP will be constructing the new road and related projects. Get ready to see your donations at work at Pool Lane, just north of the Lopez School!