Exciting news! Surprise Gift!

We are blown away by a recent anonymous stock donation worth over $500,000! We feel so honored by the support that keeps coming in from this amazing community! This is one more BIG step forward on the path to completion of a year-round swim center … the path towards a...

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Senator Lovelett Makes a Splash

Banners went up on Pool Lane on summer solstice to welcome Senator Liz Lovelett and her legislative assistant Jordan Kronen. The Senator had asked to visit the site of the Community Swim Center, after securing $1 million dollars from the 2019 state capital budget for...

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Hold onto your swim caps…. we are excited to share that late Sunday night the 2019 Washington State Capital Budget, passed by the Senate and House of Representatives, included a $1,000,000 award for the Lopez Island Swim Center!!! Freshman Senator Liz Lovelett from...

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Experiencing civics in action, 38 Lopez students went to Olympia to further their understanding of state government and to meet their elected representatives. Sen. Lovelett, Rep. Lekanoff and an aide from Rep. Morris’ office closely listened to why the kids are so...

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FLIP Annual Appeal is a Success!

FLIP sends love and a BIG Thank YOU! Your donation towards FLIP’s Annual Appeal helped FLIP exceed our goal of $95,000. With great excitement and even greater gratitude, we want to share that the community raised $97,167 during this campaign! We are SO thankful for...

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Kids on Boats

“Baby Zada Grey wears a life jacket to keep her safe when she’s on her parents’ boat. Lots of local kids who can’t swim spend time on boats around the islands. As Larry Berg, Lopez School coach says, “We have water all around us. Our kids are out on the water and...

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Join the wave along with over 600 supporters!

Josh lives on Lopez and wants to learn to swim! Over 55% of our elementary students need life jackets when swimming and only 9% are water competent per Red Cross standards. Lopez kids WILL learn to swim when the pool becomes a reality. As local parent Carolyn McGown...

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Mountain of Dirt!

Friends of Lopez Island Pool is postponing the Appreciation Celebration event that was planned for October. This is due to the reality that the site may not be safe because of its current condition and technical uses with the permits. But, how about that mountain of...

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Summary of Town Hall Meetings

FLIP recently held two Town Hall Meetings which brought out over sixty people, all eager to learn about what’s happening with The Swim Center. We want everyone to have up-to-date information on the project so we invite you to enjoy this summary of the meetings! The...

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See Pool Plans at Sept. 9th Town Hall Meeting!

If you did not attend our first Town Hall Meeting, your second chance is coming up! Town Hall Meeting #2 will be this Sunday, Sept. 9th at 4pm at the Lopez Community Center.  Come get your burning questions quenched with up to date and exciting news, straight...

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Building Permits in Process! [Correction]

The FLIP Board and a team of dedicated volunteers have been making things happen this summer!  A BIG Thank You to all who stopped by our Farmers Market booth. Please hold one of these dates to attend an upcoming Town Hall Meeting for a complete update on the Pool:...

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Spring Giving Campaign a Blooming Success!

Talk about May flowers! Our community has stepped up and shown its commitment to the Swim Center with a whopping $63,000 donated so far during our May Spring Giving, including GiveBIG and GiveLocal. Every donation has felt like a colorful blossom, bringing its own...

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Donate towards 2018 Fall Construction Goal

Thank you for your past support! Your generosity can make the difference in reaching our Spring Giving goal of $35,000, matched by special Swim Center supporters! Whether you are a full-time or a part-time islander, join your community in supporting this important...

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Early 2018 Contributions Spur Hope of Fall Construction

Summer is coming and San Juan County is still one of only two counties in WA without a public pool.  But, things are happening! 2018 has been a stellar year for fundraising, with awards of $675,000 from WA State as well as an AMAZING and BIG-HEARTED $300,000 anonymous...

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May Spring Giving Event

Friends of Lopez Island Pool kicks off its Spring Giving event with GiveBIG Seattle & GiveLocal!  Your gift will help raise $1.5 million to begin construction of the swim center this fall! FLIP's Spring Giving combines two events.  This is the last year for...

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$500,000 in Final State Budget for SWIM CENTER!

The State final capital budget, passed on March 8th, includes HALF A MILLION DOLLARS for the SJC Community Swim Center on Lopez Island. We are forever thankful for the steadfast support provided by Senator Kevin Ranker and House Representatives Kristine Lytton and...

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Year End Appeal Results In!

A HUGE thanks to all of our wonderful Supporters!  We are thrilled to report that $93,000 was raised during FLIP’s 2017 year end annual appeal!  Your commitment to bringing a public SWIM CENTER to San Juan County is making a real difference. FLIP is SO grateful to...

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