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Exciting news! A total of $786,000 was put into the Governor’s proposed capital budget to support completion of the Lopez Swim Center, but our District 40 legislators and State budget chairs need to hear from YOU to ensure the funding is approved.
The proposed funds include a $523,000 local and community projects direct appropriation and a grant of $263,000 from the 2025-2027 Youth Recreational Facilities program.
YOUR voice matters! Please take two minutes today to write a heartfelt e-mail explaining why supporting the Lopez Swim Center is important for our community.
Having writer’s block? No worries—we’ve included several sample messages below to cut, paste, and customize (if you want)!
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Together, we can secure these vital funds for Lopez Swim Center and foster a healthier future for our island community.
Subject: Please Support the Lopez Swim Center!
I am writing to express my heartfelt support for the Lopez Swim Center and urge you to support the proposed funding of $786,000 in the Governor’s budget to help complete the Lopez Swim Center, which is currently under construction. With your support, it’s expected to open in late this year!
The Swim Center fulfills a vital public-safety role on our island, where only 8% of Lopez elementary students passed the basic Red Cross Swim test. San Juan County is one of only two counties in Washington without a public or school pool.
The Swim Center will also provide a year-round place for our community’s many seniors, with warm water helping mobility, fitness, and recovery from injuries. It will be an essential community hub.
I urge you to consider the significant impacts the Swim Center will have on our community and to strongly support its funding.
[Your Name & Location]This is such an exciting time for children who live on Lopez Island—and all its residents! After years of work and successful fundraising, the Lopez Swim Center has reached the construction stage. We know that the many carefully planned programs in the Center’s two pools, including school PE, swim lessons, aquatic fitness and physical therapy, plus water safety and lifeguard training, will soon be a reality.
This is a time for dreams to come true, but it is also a time of urgency to complete fundraising in step with the Center’s final construction. We urge you to support the Governor’s recommendation in the capital budget so we can complete this important project that will transform the community. Thank you for your past significant work and support for the Lopez Swim Center!
[Your Name & Location]I am delighted to report that the Lopez Swim Center, a community project, is now fully under construction! Everyone on Lopez is grateful for the past support and interest shown by you and your fellow legislators. The cheers thrown up last week and pool noodles waved by more than 125 Lopez School District students who crowded into the largest pool were meant for you, too!
This is a wonderful cause for celebration, but also cause for urgency to complete fundraising in step with the final phase of construction. Everyone on Lopez—young and old, active and infirm, well off and struggling—urges you to support former Governor Inslee’s recommendation in the Capital Budget for an allocation for the Lopez Swim Center. This project is transforming our island community by building a year-round, all-ages, all-abilities community facility for fitness, learning, and healing.
[Your Name & Location]In the entire state of Washington, San Juan County is one of only two counties without a public or school pool. Not surprisingly, 92% of elementary-aged children on Lopez Island are unable to pass a Red Cross swimming test. By constructing a community Swim Center, Friends of Lopez Island Pool (FLIP) is looking to reverse that trend. The Lopez Swim Center is currently under construction and slated to open late this year. However, we need your support of the Governor’s capital funding request submitted for this year’s budget for us to achieve this goal.
I would greatly appreciate your support of this funding for the Lopez Swim Center.
[Your Name & Location]First, I want to thank you for your past support to help us build the Lopez Swim Center, a crucial community resource that will have significant impacts on the lives of islanders, both young and old. Currently, it’s estimated that 92% of Lopez elementary-aged students cannot pass a basic Red Cross swim test. The Swim Center will help turn this tide, with the goal of every child learning to swim by graduation! A large segment of our population is over age 60, and the Swim Center will also play a vital role for improving the health and wellness of many island seniors, whether that’s through aquatic aerobics classes, aqua physical therapy, or lap swimming. We’re asking you to approve the funding request in the current proposed budget to help us close the funding gap and complete the Swim Center.
[Your Name & Location]Construction has started on our Lopez Swim Center, an essential year-round, all-ages, all-abilities community hub fostering water safety, wellness, fun, and fitness. While we hope to have construction completed by the end of this year, that will only be possible with your help. We strongly urge you to approve the capital budget recommendation for the Lopez Swim Center.
[Your Name & Location]After 15 years of planning and fundraising, construction of the Lopez Swim Center is finally underway. The goal is to complete the pool facility by the end of this year. But while we’re continuing our fundraising, we need your help to help close the gap.
Every county in the state of Washington has a community pool—except for San Juan County and one other. This lack is even more significant given the fact that 92% of Lopez Island elementary students are unable to pass a basic Red Cross swimming test. The Lopez Swim Center’s mission is to turn this tide, with the goal of every Lopez child learning crucial, life-saving swimming and water-safety skills. The year-round Swim Center will benefit islanders of all ages and all abilities, offering a safe haven for fitness, fun, and friends. For the health and wellness of San Juan County islanders, I’m asking you to put your support behind this capital funding recommendation.
Thank you!
[Your Name & Location]